วันพุธที่ 6 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Help To Litter Tray Train Your Cat

One of the most daunting tasks that you have as a cat owner is toilet-training them. You would not like them to dirty your bed sheet or wet your beloved furnishings.
In litter-instruction your pet cat, make sure that you get going while they are young cats and they will unquestionably keep this tendency while they grow.
Here are the essentials on how you can successfully toilet-instruct your cat:

1. Familiarize your cat with the "secure" areas within your house.
You may possibly use cage-training whilst the kitten is new. This is so that they will not wander all-around the house without restraint while they are not suitably taught yet.
By giving them uncontrolled rein on every area or room in your house, you will let your cat believe that they can litter all over.
For starters, familiarize your cat with the places around the home where they can roam about. Therefore get going introducing the spot where the litter tray box is situated.
As a kitten owner, you would basically have an notion of when your kitten will relieve itself.
The most probable times are following feeding, when they wake up and following going outside and walking.

2. Feed them on a uniform routine.
Feeding your kitten on a uniform routine would help keep up a schedule of some sort within their system. Following feeding, try to entice them to go to the area where the toilet box is placed.
Fool around with them for some time and once they are about to eliminate, the toilet box is easily within reach.
Doing this on a regular basis would more or less educate your cat of the suitable place to soil or urinate.
Once your cat takes a catnap, place her in close proximity to a litter box when waking. Make sure that you muster encouraging expressions and fondle the coat to soothe her.
This is what's more your way of showing your cat that you are delighted about what she is doing.

3. Clean the litter box.
Kittens are very neat creatures. If they see or feel that the toilet box is unclean, they will not want to go there.
These are several ways to keep the litter box clean and train your cat to use it:
-Your cat would not utilize a toilet box that smells terrible. After your cat has used the toilet box, make sure that it is cleaned for the next time that your kitten wishes to use it.
-Discard the old litter immediately after use. Wash the toilet box with water.
You can add some lemon juice or vinegar to remove the scent of urine. This would make the litter box clean and pleasant smelling to your cat.
-Leave the litter tray box in an area that is simply available to your cat. If you assign one room for them, you could situate the litter box at the opposite end of their sleeping area.
Always provide your cat with clean water to drink, this could also be placed close to the litter box so that they can urinate there following drinking.
-If you have more than one cat, leave numerous toilet boxes in strategic areas.

4. If your cat unexpectedly stops using the litter box, it might be caused by anxiety.
Cats will respond to stress by urinating or soiling your favorite piece of furniture.
There are also physical reasons why your cat will soil your carpet or wet your bed sheet. Your kitten may well have urinary tract problems that you would not know about.
It is best to check with your veterinarian if your kitten suddenly urinates a lot or soils your furniture.
A unexpected change in your kittens behavior means that you should check with with a professional.

5. Do not associate the litter tray box with punishment.
You can additionally use psychology for litter tray training your cat.
If they litter on your carpet, do not direct them to the litter box after the fact.
If you do this, the litter tray box would serve as their chastisement and it will be extremely hard for you to get them to make use of it again.

By: Roy Weastt

